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They welcomed 54 children

It’s not often that you receive a crystal clear picture of what you are supposed to do with your life; what your purpose is or how God wants you to serve. But it didn’t just hit us out of nowhere. God planted the seed in our hearts and watered it over the next 2 years. Once we were at the point of complete surrender, He literally changed our lives.

My husband Thomas and I began fostering in 2016 and have welcomed 54 children into our home. While that might sound like a lot, the sad reality is that for every 1 child we have said yes to, we had to say no to 5 others. That's really hard but there are times when I need a break, mentally, physically and emotionally. We have to fill up our cup to have the stamina to keep going.

We receive support and encouragement from a village of people. Our church family supports us through prayer weekly, especially for upcoming court dates, or big decisions that need to be made. Our life group runs to Costco for snacks when teenagers CLEAN OUT our pantry. Grandparents bring food when we are too overwhelmed to think straight, or watch kiddos when we have to be in court or so we can go on a date.

In addition to clothes and toiletries and items for the children, PS I Love You provides Mom nights so I can get away and take a breath with foster mom friends. At Christmas, I don’t have to worry or plan extra shopping because I know PS I Love You will do so much for the foster children. It truly takes a village of support, from those within foster care and those outside of foster care. Everyone can be part of the village.

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