"After our second foster baby, we were asked if we could take on a third child. My wife called, and I said let’s pray about it, thinking this was a good stall tactic to weigh the options. I gave her a list of things that we would need – diapers, car seat, clothes, etc. Within 30 minutes our phone rang and a call came from P.S. I Love You Ministries. They called us and said they had heard we might be getting another baby and asked if we would need diapers, a car seat, clothes, etc.? They quoted my list in the order that I had presented it to my wife. I told her, let’s do it. I also told God, “I get it.” People ask how we do it, how we let them go. We tell them it is hard, but the blessings outweigh the hurt. I can truly say that this process has made me draw closer to God, as I do a lot more praying now than I used to. I pray whenever I think of one of our little ones. I pray for their families, the newly adopted families, and I also pray and thank God for those who support Foster Parents. I am especially grateful for P.S. I Love You Ministries, as they have been a support group unlike any I have ever seen. As I have told many people, those involved with P.S. I Love You Ministries live their religion and love what they are doing. From the annual Christmas party for Foster families, to having supplies and clothing, they reach out and show what the love of Jesus Christ is all about. They don’t just talk about it, they live it."
- Steve & Shayna Blackwell, Spartanburg County Foster Parents