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Baby Steve's Story - Part 2

Baby Steve’s mom and dad had not taken care of him the way they should. Even the women who came from DSS had not been able to convince them to take better care of Steve. His parents did not feed him enough and now it was harder for him to drink milk. When parents can’t take care of their children, it is called neglect.  The doctor knew Steve was in danger so that day changed everything.

Baby Steve left the doctor’s office to go to the hospital. He went to a special section of the hospital for children.  The doctors made a small owie in his arm to get blood for special tests so they could find out what was wrong and what nutrients Baby Steve needed to get better and start growing. Steve’s mom stayed at the hospital with him and was able to spend the night.

Baby Steve stayed at the hospital for 4 weeks and had to get nutrients through a tube in his nose because he could not drink out of a bottle.  When the nurses tried to give him a bottle it felt weird in his mouth and made him very mad.  Lots of helpers and nurses spent time with Baby Steve, trying to get him to eat so he could grow and have energy. 


They gave Steve a special drink, like baby formula with extra nutrients and calories for babies like Steve, through the tube in his nose. Over the next few days, the nutrients helped him have more energy and start feeling better.  His body started growing. The women from DSS who came to visit Steve at his house, now spent time with him at the hospital talking with the doctors and nurses and to Steve’s mom. One day one of the women told Steve’s parents some very upsetting news…

Baby Steve's Story is an incredible story of a medically fragile child in foster care that is included in PS I Love You's 2024 Mission Kit. "Steve's" story is real but all names have been changed to protect the privacy of all involved. For more information about engaging your church or child's organization, visit

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