Christmas was an extra special day for Steve! On Christmas morning, he had a huge red Santa bag full of gifts just for him! Sarah even noticed a big smile on Steve’s face and grabbed her camera quickly to take a picture! His smile was a sign that he was aware of his presents but also that he was getting healthier. They took lots of special family photos that day as Steve enjoyed his very first Christmas.
After one week in his new home, Steve could sit up and also started trying to crawl. Sarah tried to help him understand how to use a spoon but Steve did not like it. Two weeks later he crawled over to the couch and started pulling up just like other babies his age! Other special helpers, called therapists, came every week and helped him. He still had his g-tube and it was helping him grow fast and get stronger!
One month later, he celebrated his first birthday. He still did not like anything in his mouth but Sarah kept helping him try new things… like ice cream! Eventually, Steve learned to eat baby food on a spoon and how to drink through a straw. One day he surprised everyone by picking up food with his hand to put in his mouth! He was starting to eat like other 1 year-olds.
Baby Steve lived with his special foster family for 1 year, getting big and healthy! He didn’t need his G-tube any more because he could eat just like other toddlers. He had a special surgery to remove the button in his tummy. At all his checkups, doctors and nurses were so happy at how big and strong he had become!
Baby Steve's Story is an incredible story of a medically fragile child in foster care that is included in PS I Love You's 2024 Mission Kit. "Steve's" story is real but all names have been changed to protect the privacy of all involved. For more information about engaging your church or child's organization, visit