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Planning for a Collection

We’re so excited you’re interested in hosting a collection drive to support PS I Love You’s Resource Center. Your help can make a huge difference for kids in need. Let’s walk you through how to get started and make your collection a success!

First things first... it’s important to know what we need

We’re looking for brand-new, high-quality items for children in foster care because our kids deserve the best! From toiletries to toys, every item’s purpose is to restore dignity and hope in the children we serve. To accomplish that, quality is key so please focus on providing top-notch items rather than just collecting a lot.

Contact Us for a List of Needs

On our website, under the “Get Involved” tab, (or simply click here) you can fill out a quick form with your contact information so we can send you the most up-to-date immediately needed items for the Resource Center. This way, you can ensure your collection drive makes the biggest impact possible.

Promote Your Collection

We’ll also provide you with digital promotional materials to help spread the word and collection boxes to make collecting items easy for you. Just let us know what you need!

Don’t forget to take pictures of your collection drive, we’d love to give you a shout-out on our social media pages. It’s a great way to highlight your efforts and inspire others to join in.

Get Started

Your efforts can truly make a difference. By following these simple steps, you’ll be helping to provide essential items to children in foster care who need them most.

Contact us today to get started on your collection drive!

Thank you for supporting children in foster care and the families who serve them.

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