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Scheduling Groups for Switchover

What is Switchover? 

Switchover is a period of 3 weeks hosted each Spring and Fall at PS I Love You Ministries. During this time, volunteers organize and restock the Resource Center for the upcoming season.  Learn More

Volunteers are Vital

We would not be able to complete Switchover without your help!

Over 100 individuals from companies, churches, and community organizations work together to transform our Resource Center into a beautiful boutique for children in foster care each season!

Scheduling at Group

  • Contact PS I Love You for a date and time that fits your schedule

  • Recruit your team, with a maximum of 10 people

  • Confirm final numbers at least 3 days prior to your scheduled date

Planning your Day

  • Arrive at 121 Metro Drive and gather your team

  • Check-in at the Training Center (opens 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time)

  • Refreshments will be available while you wait for instructions

What to Expect - 

  • Hanging Clothing

    You will be working around clothing racks with limited space, and need to be able to work while standing for extended periods of time 

  • Folding & Organizing

    You might be asked to inventory clothing that is being organized for a display or being packed away for an upcoming season.

  • Packing Totes

    We occasionally ask men, who are physically able, to move totes, however, we cannot guarantee any specific jobs for men

Faithfulness & Flexibility -

We do our best to match groups with specific projects as we anticipate approximate times those projects require, but please realize that if the group finishes quickly they are welcome to leave early.

Limitations & Logistics -

If you require a service animal or walker, we'd like to invite you to serve in a different capacity and look forward to getting you connected at another time.

Other Opportunities

If your group doesn’t meet the needs we have for Switchover... that’s okay! We have lots of ways to GET INVOLVED AT PS I Love You!

We would love to help you connect by

  • purchasing totes needed for Switchover

  • providing breakfast or lunch for volunteers

  • hosting a collection of needed items 

  • participating in prayer events

  • walking as a team in our annual 5K

Contact for more information or get your group connected today!

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